12 Naruto Characters And Their Stories That’ll Make You Cry
Naruto is an anime that is totally worth watching. It has a lot awesome and great moments, touching backstories of characters, even...

11 Adult Anime To Watch With Highest Ratings
In this list you will see 11 Anime that has Gore, nudity and truly awesome story! I highly suggest watching these anime, specially No.2,...

Ten Horror Anime That Will Make You Piss Your Pants – Not For Kids
Horror Anime Recommendations Love horror? You wouldn’t have been here if it was a no xP Here are ten horror anime that are totally...

10 Anime With Amazing Story and Serious N*dity
The anime I’ll be mentioning in this list, not only contains nudity but lots of blood and foul language, I highly recommend you guys to...

15 Psychological Anime That Are Absolutely Worth Watching
I have added 15 Psychological Anime to this list, that you should totally watch it. Some are way beyond epic, I suggest watching these...

Top 8 Inspirational Anime You Need To get Your Hands On
Today we will be listing 8 Inspirational Anime that you totally need to watch it, let me know if I have missed any. 8)FullmetalAlchemist...

10 Awesome Anime You Can Finish It In A Day
Don’t you ever feel sometime like you wanna Eat, Watch Anime all day And Sleep? In this list I have added 10 anime that you can finish it...

10 Insanely annoying things people say about Anime
1. Watching cartoon porn again? Yes, I’m watching cartoon porn in the middle of the day in the living room…So, how are those sex scenes...