10 Insanely annoying things people say about Anime
1. Watching cartoon porn again?

Yes, I’m watching cartoon porn in the middle of the day in the living room…So, how are those sex scenes in Game of Thrones?
2. Anime fans are losers with no social life.

Care to explain all the attendance and friend groups at anime conventions?
3. Aren’t you too old for this?

Aren’t you too old for Marvel movies? Same thing applies, but you’re never too old to enjoy something.
4. You are totally watching that for the boobs.

Yep, that’s why Tokyo Ghoul, Psycho Pass, and moe shows are so popular. Because that’s all we care about.
5. There are no mature and deep stories in anime!

Have you ever heard of Ghost in the Shell, Spice & Wolf, or Monster? Hold on, are you seriously watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians?
6. Anime fans just watch hentai and pretend it has a story.

It’s true that anime uses sex appeal, but so do comic books, TV shows, movies, and generic ads.
7. Anime is just a lame genre of cartoons.

We can debate this until we are blue in the face, but anime is a medium that occupies the same animation world as cartoons. It’s like saying movies are a lame genre.
8. How can you watch something in another language?

There are magical things called subtitles! Some shows are even dubbed.
9. Why don’t you watch [arbitrary series], it’s so much better than the crap you’re watching.

I did not know you were an authority on what’s crap. Please correct the errors of my ways.
10. Such a waste of time.

Yeah, I guess I could spend more hours working or doing chores, but people need to take a break and relax.