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Top Ten Characters Who Can Beat Saitama

One Punch Man or Saitama is one of the strongest characters in Anime at the moment. But can he be beaten?? The answer is yes. Just like any other anime character Saitama is not invincible and can be beaten. Here is a list of Top Ten Characters Who Can Beat Saitama. Now for this article in particular since Dragon Ball Universe is much stronger I will only put one character form it. And he will be Goku the main protagonist from the Universe in here. I want to give other character their chance too.

10. Goku

Goku is a god capable of destroying Universe. In his fight with Beerus he almost destroyed it as the Chi Blasts from their battle started wreaking havoc in the universe. He can use Instant Transmission and can also use that in Battle as well.

9. Sosuke Aizen

If you are caught up with the manga then you know he has the power to beat Saitama. He may very well able to defeat One Punch Man. He is the brains and the brawls to defeat Saitama.

8. Kami Tenchi

He can destroy universes and dimensions. This is of no surprise that he can defeat One Punch Man.

7. Light Yagami

Just get an autograph and well he won. Saitama is a human and is well under his limits. Plus he can outwit him at anytime he wants.

6. Monkey D Luffy

Luffy would win because he is not effected by normal Punches. I am pretty sure that Saitama would have a hard time punching and winning against him.

5. Lelouch Vi Britannia

Lelouch Vi Britannia is one of the smartest characters in anime history. He can order anyone to do anything he wants with the use of his Geass.

4. Anti-Spiral King

He is most definitely able to beat Saitama. He was throwing galaxies at Gurren Lagan. It goes to say that Saitama cannot stand up to such power.

3. Kuro Sensei

If you are caught with the manga than you should know that he is the best Assassin that there is. He was known as God of Death before he turned into a being that can go at the speed of Mach 20. Saitama might be faster than Kuro Sensei however he can’t beat an experienced Assassin like Kuro Sensei. Let me put the emphasis on Assassin because he is much stronger than that Speed O Sonic guy in the anime and an overall better assassin. In a fight I am pretty sure Kuro Sensei would win.

2. Sasuke Uchiha

He can just transfer Saitama into another dimension. It is just as simple as that. Not only that his amaterasu will keep on burning him until he is killed. Sasuke is highly talented and uses his brain a lot as well. He can also use his Susanoo to save himself. However Saitama is still physically stronger than him and immune to Genjutsu.

1. Ban from Seven Deadly Sins

Ban drank from the fountain of youth. And he is practically immortal. He can also drain his opponents power over time which allows him to win against Saitama


These characters might be not as strong as Saitama, but their skills, abilities and wits make them more than capable of destroying enemies ten times stronger than them including Saitama. It just goes to show that strength and speed are not all that matters when in fight.

So that’s it for now.

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